Savoring Cadiz: A Journey Through the Essential Food and Local Restaurants

Cadiz is a culinary destination that will captivate your taste buds and leave you craving for more. From its fresh seafood to its traditional specialties and world-renowned wines, the city offers a gastronomic experience that is both diverse and unforgettable. Immerse yourself in the history and culture of Cadiz through its food, and you will truly understand

Salmorejo Recipe

There's nothing more "cordobés" than "La Mezquita" and Salmorejo, a cold soup similar to gazpacho What many people don't know is that until the fifteenth century, the salmorejo was actually white because tomato had not been imported by Christopher Columbus yet. This recipe is the traditional recipe from Córdoba. Ingredients: 1 kilo ripe

Coffee in Malaga – How to Order it Properly

One curiosity about Malaga and its gastronomy is that wherever you go, you’ll get a great cup of coffee. For breakfast with churros, after lunch or as a “merienda”, which is a small snack during the late afternoon, a coffee is always welcome. Coffee and Churros at Casa Aranda Ordering Coffee in MalagaAnother fact you need to know