The Ministry of Tourism & Sports of the Andalusian Government together with Turespaña counted again on Spain Food Sherpas for the organization of a unique gastronomic experience during the celebration of the 1st Cosmopolitan Congress ‘Andalucia Reloaded – The ultimate experience’ in Malaga. This event was attended by a selection of over 40 German wholesalers, who design products aimed at customers with a high purchasing power and cultural interest.
This event denominated ANDALUCÍA RELOADED – The ultimate experience took place last September 22nd during 4 days, featuring a full program with many activities and visits of the destination.
The first part of the program was developed in Malaga and this is where Spain Food Sherpas provided a very special gastronomic activity, fun and different, to offer the professionals attending the Congress the best of our gastronomy and (food) culture.
The culinary tour started with a guided visit of the Atarazanas Food Market, the epicurean heart of our city. In small groups of 10 people, each one accompanied by its very own Food Sherpa, they were able to get to know firsthand our regional delicacies, tasting some of them in different stalls. A visit to traditional, family-run shops and grocery stores was as well included, learning about local specialties, enterprises and the stories behind the people.
In the second part our guests had the opportunity to enjoy a tasty, authentic and personalized Andalusian appetizer in a wonderful bar, well-loved by locals. The aperitif consisted of a selection of our best products: An assortment of Iberian cold cuts and cheeses from our region, accompanied with a Malaga sweet wine or homemade vermouth.
In order to develop this project, the 1st Cosmopolitan Congress ‘Andalucia Reloaded’, the Spanish Tourism Office of Berlin carried out a statistical study together with the company GFK, an entity with world-wide prestige in tourist studies. The aim was to select tour operators and product designers that cater for a high standing tourist profile with destination preferences that are completely different from mass tourism.
This study showed that in Germany are at least 5 million potential customers with this profile. So the idea of organizing this Congress was to capture this target audience by inviting their product creators and to show them our best products and most interesting sights and activities.
Our team is proud to collaborate and participate in the organization of this type of event together with other companies of this sector such as Air Berlin, Hilton, Riofrío Pure Caviar or Paradores.
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