We are happy to provide our guests with a special Spain Food Sherpas discount card at some of our partner resturants, shops and grocery stores in Malaga.
Chinitas Restaurant
Calle Moreno Monroy, 4
Ph: 952 21 09 72
Tradition and andalusian homemade food.
Offer: 5% discount and a glass of Malaga wine, Patxaran or liqueur as dessert.
El Hammam open Space & Spa
Find an oasis of tranquility in the heart of the Center of Malaga, a traditionalArabic bath where you can enjoy all kinds of therapies, a place to disconnect and entertain the senses.
Offer: 5€ discount on all services they offer.
Los Patios de Beatas
This wine bar/restaurant has almost 500 different wines!
Offer: 10% off wine purchase
Patatas Paco José
The oldest factory and frying of potatoes and nuts of Malaga!
Casa Mira
They revolutionized the art of ice cream in Malaga and became an important destination for anyone who passes through Málaga.
Juan de Dios Barba
Calle Martínez, 10
+34 952 21 26 14
Grocery store packed with delicacies from Malaga. Their salted cod is definitely a must!